I got Ari dressed and ready to go this morning and then it was Sister's turn. I gave Lily a bath then turned away from the tub long enough to dry her off minimally and put a new diaper on her when I heard "splash, splash!" I turned around and saw:
So... then I got Ari dressed and ready to go, again. Story of my life, but lovin' every minute!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Oh, Ari!
Posted by wendy m at 9:11 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Cute Father's Day Gift
Our ward has the best Nursery ever and started letting Ari go a few months early so J.O. and I could teach our Primary class. Church had just ended and we sending all our kids out of the room with the gifts they had just made for their dads when Jeremy went to get Ari. I had totally forgotten that the nursery kids would be getting to do a project too until they came back with this:
It's a tray to stash your wallet, keys, phone etc. in. Jeremy will totally use this and what a perfect little handprint! I was so excited!
Posted by wendy m at 9:46 PM 0 comments
The Next Morning
The very next night, Lily slept from 7pm until 6 the next morning. That crib is magic!
Posted by wendy m at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
And the Little One Said Roll Over...
So we decided that today was the day! Lily is officially banished from our bedroom (and bed!) and tonight will be her first night in the crib instead of the bassinet. Which means... big girl bed for Ari! Thank you to the Grandmas for such a cute, safe, comfy bed! We took our baths, brushed some teeth, said our prayers and gave it a shot.
Wish me luck!
Posted by wendy m at 9:45 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Visit from Grandma
This past week my mom and little brother Colton came for an awesome, but all too short, visit. It was so good having them and we were able to squeeze quite a few activities into a week. Here are some of the highlights:
We also stopped by Pop for some very yummy Dr. Peppers. Went to Rio Vista to splash, but it was too cold! Too cold in Arizona in June?! So we played on the playground instead.
We got Lily all dressed in her swimsuit, but she fell asleep and never knew we there!
Friday night Jeremy and his brother Casey took Colton out jeeping in the desert and met some of Casey's friends for a bonfire and s'mores until a friendly Sheriff's Deputy asked them to put out the fire! The next morning the boys met Jeremy's uncle David for some fishing on the Gila. No catches, but some fun time in the boat. They brought my little bro back in one piece, much to his own surprise and delight!

(Not them, but same spot)
Saturday night we had an adults' night out and took in a Diamondbacks game while Colton was visiting some fam and the girls stayed with their rockstar aunts. We had an amazing time and I hope they did too. I can't wait to be with them again soon. Love you guys!
Posted by wendy m at 8:37 PM 1 comments
Father's Day print-out
For those of you who don't get the Place emails, this is super-cute! Our girls are too little, but I thought I'd pass it on. Have fun!
Click Here!
Posted by wendy m at 3:57 PM 0 comments