Friday, September 12, 2008

Just to substantiate the rumors

All right, you caught us, we're pregnant! I'm about seven weeks and everything is great. I'm pretty sick this time, but that's ok because it's a good sign. My due date is April 29th which puts the little ones about fourteen months apart (unless this one comes a month early like Ari!) Kind of crazy, but we're very excited. The ultrasound isn't much to look at (he/she is only 8mm long,) but we got to see a good, strong heartbeat when they did it. I feel like this one is a boy so check back in a few months to see if I'm right!


Claire said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling sick... that's definitely no fun.

Kristen said...

I can't wait :]

Arin and Troy said...

Congrats on the pregnancy! You are definately going to have your hands full! Hopefully you will have another girl so they can be close sisters! All girls need a sister, especially when they are so close in age!

Scott and Jetti said...

Look! I found you!

Mama J said...

WENDY!!! Yay! I am so glad you found me! And i am so HAPPY about your little girl and your NEW FETUS! CRAZY!! We are doing really good, just getting ready for winter and another baby! AHHH!!! Do you still talk to Heather?? I talk to her still, Dawn not too much any more, she just is really busy with work but i try to talk to her as much as i can! I would love if you guys came up and played, Heidi and your lil. girl would get along! Keep in touch!!!